Thursday, December 17, 2009

My TwO LoVeS!

These are the two loves of my life! I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love these boys! My husband is such an amazing man! I feel so lucky and so blessed that he chose me to spend eternity with. Its so comforting to know that our son will grow up with an amazing example to look up to!! I love you honey!


Andi Fitz said...

What a cute picture Sasha! I'm glad you guys are doing well! I miss you in our ward!

Angie and Cory Brian said...

He is getting so big! :)

Lyss said...

Sasha! I haven't seen you in so long and it's so good to see how well your adorable little family is doing! We live so close to eachother now. It's completely stupid that we aren't hanging out all the time!