Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our Wedding

Ok, so we arrived to the temple about 2 hours early because it was snowing and the prophet's viewing was that day as well. We got there with no problems though. It was awesome. Anyways, here are some pictures from the glorious day haha and the redness you see in our arms and hands are from the ICE COLD weather! It was crazy! Anyway... enjoy!

Our Honeymoon in Hawaii!!

This was at ... cant remember the name of the lighthouse right now... in kawaii. It is so beautiful!! We saw a lot of crazy looking birds and a whale! Saweet!

Classic Jas and Sash... pulling faces

This was at Waimea Canyon in Kauai. It was stunning! I felt at home, except for the ocean we could see in the horizon...

Alright, so we ate at a great place... GAYLORD's.... you think I'm joking...but it was a very elegant restaurant

Oahu-chilling at the beach